
Krome News : August 2014

Dear Kromeheaveners,

I hope that your krome is started with our sounds loaded into it ! Not yet ? Ok, it's time to go to the sounds section !!!

Here are few news to share everywhere you are : facebook, twitter, tumblr, forums, I know that I have many readers from foreign countries : I am french but I decided to make the website in english only for this reason !

Ok, now, stop speaking...

Kromatool News

With kromatool 0.7.0, I am now able to merge meta/sample but only for 2 complete packs...Someone called "Patrick" has asked me to implement a selective merge : You choose the samples you want in a pack and in the other, then you create a new pack of samples with the result...

In fact, it's far more difficult to implement, for the waveform part of the meta (addresses to compute, samples to skip, etc...). It will take time, but why not, after all the things I've to do !

(If you want to help me on kromeheaven : postulate !!!)

Others Kromatool suggestions (I've received many mail !) :

If you really want me to work on new keyboards and unleash its power :) You just have to crowd fund me !!!

1 dollar per Kross owner => You have to reach 699 € (Kross price in France...) => 936 US $...Yes we have a too strong money.

Sponsors : resellers, music shops, a mecene, maybe Korg ? :) can also offer me, one of these keayboard, in exchange of a permanent advertisement place on kromeheaven website !

Spirit of India preview

As I could not find an Indian demonstrator, I only made a "fast" and "bad" preview of our pack "Spirit of India" made with sounds provided by Baskar Raj !

If you can record video and sound (Krome recorded in an audio interface), you are still welcome to help me!

Do you like it?

It will be available as soon as possible !

New sound packs, soon ?

There are many possibilities for the futur :

Choose your way and tell me on facebook !

Stay connected !