Persian samples pack for korg krome !

Author : Amir H.

In this package, you will find great traditionnal persian instruments sampled for your Korg Krome.

Amir H. provides us a great base for customizing your korg Krome for arabic music. (Turkish, Iranian, Armenian, etc...)

It was released on our VIP facebook group to be tested, now it's available for all !

If you have free samples : join us and let's work together : click this ->

It is free, but you know how to encourage us to spend time in sharing non copyrighted samples :

Enjoy it !



Patches List

Santur                   Program      F000       Guitar/Plucked   Plucked
Garman 1                 Program      F001       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Garman 2                 Program      F002       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Duduk 1                  Program      F003       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Duduk 2                  Program      F004       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Neyamban                 Program      F005       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Tar 1                    Program      F006       Guitar/Plucked   Plucked
Tar 2                    Program      F007       Guitar/Plucked   Plucked
Tar D-50                 Program      F008       Guitar/Plucked   Plucked
Oud                      Program      F009       Guitar/Plucked   Plucked
Clarinet 1               Program      F010       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Clarinet 2               Program      F011       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Zurna                    Program      F012       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Balaban 1                Program      F013       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Balaban 2                Program      F014       Woodwind/Reed    Reed
Baghlama                 Program      F015       Guitar/Plucked   Plucked
IR String                Program      F016       Strings          Ensemble
Strings 01               Program      F017       Strings          Ensemble
Strings 02               Program      F018       Strings          Ensemble
Strings 03               Program      F019       Strings          Ensemble
Strings 04               Program      F020       Strings          Ensemble
Strings 05               Program      F021       Strings          Ensemble
Persian Kit 1            Program      F022       Drums            Perc
Persian Kit 2            Program      F023       Drums            Perc
Lead 01                  Program      F024       LeadSynth        Hard
Lead 02                  Program      F025       LeadSynth        Hard
Lead 03                  Program      F026       LeadSynth        Hard
Lead 04                  Program      F027       LeadSynth        Hard
Lead 05                  Program      F028       LeadSynth        Hard
SFZ Brass 01             Program      F029       Brass            Ensemble
SFZ Brass 02             Program      F030       Brass            Ensemble
SFZ Brass 03             Program      F031       Brass            Ensemble

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NHAC VIET Sound Pack from Vietnam !


Author : Nhac Viet

Dear All,

just a little word about this new cool pack : Nhac Viet company has put a sound pack for your krome in download on its website.

We are pleased to share this information with you, Kromeheaveners !

It's completly !

It contains many sounds for your composition : A piano collection, Electric Pianos, Brass, Orchestral sounds, dance combinations, just check all the preview below !

Read more ...
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