Author : Andreas_up

"Hi Cyph, my nickname is andreas_up, from Indonesia, and I'm so interested with your Kromatool Project and can't wait for that to be released :)

Anyway, this is my PCG file that contains a setlist of combinations for covering some Dream Theater songs from Images And Words and other songs like The Spirit Carries On.
The PCG also include my custom strings ensembles, hope you all like it :)
And for the TSCO 3 combi, you can decrease the volume of the strings and choir slowly using knob 1, just like the ending of The Spirit Carries On
That's all, thanks :)"

Thanks Andreas, for your support ! Your sounds are now downloadable by everybody, all around the world !

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Inspiring Piano Collection V1 for Krome EX

Authors : Kromeheaveners


Dear All after a long time without update, I would like to thank you for your patience !

Here is our new little sound pack for the korg krome EX : Inspiring Piano Collection v1 made your patches !

The package contains also a Korg Krome converted PCG (I was not able to test it, since I do not have the korg krome anymore, please make feedback)

Enjoy and stay connected for more sounds !



|Patch Name              |Patch Type  |Patch ID   |Category        |Sub Category    |
|Fireplace Piano *KH*    |Program     |U-F000     |17              |0               |
|Brightest Piano *KH*    |Program     |U-F001     |17              |0               |
|Moonlight Piano *KH*    |Program     |U-F002     |17              |0               |
|ElectricDyna Piano *KH* |Program     |U-F003     |0               |2               |
|Aero Piano *KH*         |Program     |U-F004     |0               |0               |
|Grandissimo Piano *KH*  |Program     |U-F005     |0               |0               |
|Yamaha CP E.Piano *KH*  |Program     |U-F006     |0               |0               |
|Pinky One E.Piano *KH*  |Program     |U-F007     |0               |2               |
|Steinity Way Piano *KH* |Program     |U-F008     |0               |0               |
|Classical Try Piano *KH*|Program     |U-F009     |0               |0               |
|Monolog Piano *KH*      |Program     |U-F010     |0               |0               |
|Harmonia Piano *KH*     |Program     |U-F011     |0               |0               |
|Sustain Piano *KH*      |Program     |U-F012     |0               |0               |
|Attack Piano *KH*       |Program     |U-F013     |0               |0               |

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