Neil D. Combi Pack for Krome !

Author : Neil D.
My name is Neil D.
I have saved a PCG file i made using PCG tools . Hopefully i have done this correctly .... i deleted all the other programs in the ‘F’ bank apart from the ones i had created and have used within the combis. Then i deleted all the other combis in ‘D’ banks apart from the ones i wish to share and then saved as a new PCG file .
Jump , 99 red balloons and journey are pretty straightforward regards how the combi is set up to play .... however Living on a prayer and uptown funk are a bit more convoluted. I don’t know the best way to explain how i’ve set it up ...unless i maybe make a video  ?
anyway see what you think and hopefully my PCG is correct and can be shared with fellow Kromers !
i’ve attached the PCG file and a txt file of the program and combi numbers
Thank you very much Neil ! Here are your files !
Enjoy the share !

D001  living on a prayer
D003  dont stop believin
D004  jump
D011  99 red balloons
D013  uptown funk


F009  uptown funk synth rise
F011  bon jovi pad synth
F012  chorus piano
F014  uptown funk synth stab





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