Author : Cyph

Hello all !

I am quite a fan of Muse and i wanted to share the synthetic bass from the fabulous title "Time is running out".

(We can hear this sound at the beginning of the song)

So here is a single program to load on your krome with your Krome Editor !

(If you do not know how to load sound, just have a look at this tips)

Enjoy !



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Xavier L. Piano combinations for Korg Krome

Author : Xavier L.

"hop v'la la combi jazz ici avec les piano electrique ( parce que j'utilise des vst pour les pianos acoustique) je te laisse donc le libre arbitre de créer une combi en doublon avec les piano acoustique ."

Thank you Xavier for your pack.

I suppose your Combinations will find its place on kromeheavener's synth !

Enjoy !

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