Author : Yank (

"Dear Mr. Cyph.

Hope this is your address.
Here is Jan from Slovakia, I am musician and sound designer.
I would like to send you 3 sounds for Krome as a little present, please
see the attachement. I really appreciate what You did for all Krome users, thanx a lot for it.
There is probably no better support in the world for Korg Krome as Your site and tool.

I am Krome user since April, so i have less sounds for this great instrument now, as for some other synthesizers.
Anyway, in rar file are 3 sounds from me, one of them - " ya  Amigma 500 " does need Vietnam sample pack you are provided at your site.
This sound is programmed including switches, other controllers and drumtrack/arp relations.
Other 2 sounds are based on internal pcm memory.If you will be interested i can send other sounds..
Those 3 patches are saved as single -KrmPr - for Krome editor.

Best Regards


Great ! Thank you very much for your email...

I am very happy to get new sounds for my krome :

ya mysticity

ya noiolead

ya Amigma 500 (need vietnam sample pack)



Download 3 for krome sounds

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Random Pack !

Best of Famous Song Combi Pack V4 !

Author : You ! (see below)

We are back ! Here is our famous Compilation : Best of Famous Song Combi Pack V4 !!!

Now : 49 combinations, and many various style : Rock, Progressive, Soul, Dance, Classic, etc !!!

This is your work, and I decided to continue the pack with it : The Best of Combi to play your favorite song...

Nb : You must also load the F Bank (few programs are needeed) and ARP pattern (user), drum pattern, everything !

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