Author : Cyph

Hello Fans !

W.A.B : We Are Back with a new "awesome" and "cool" samples kit for your krome !!!

Uptown Funk from Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars samples Kit.

The kit contains all the vocals from the famous song...You will enjoy it for sure !

How ?

That's simple :

Share your personnal and homemade sound pack (send them to, join our very private circle and receive the pack by mail !

This will encourage you to share your sounds and this will advertise your skills when they will be published on the first sound sharing place : !!!

Not Convinced yet ? Watch that :

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Random Pack !

Trinity Sounds Pack for Krome

Author : Marco Airaghi is proud to bring you a new sound pack for your Korg Krome !

I was looking for some cool free sounds, and I've found website with some really interesting stuff there...

I decided to convert some sounds for your favorite keyboard.

This time, you will get 16 fabulous programs made by a Korg products specialist from Italia : Marco Airaghi

All the sound are stored in the F BANK !

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