Acoustic and Electric Pianos Pack by Ricardo !

Author : Ricardo

Dear Kromeheaveners,

Ricardo has shared some of its personnal sound. Thank you !

Check this pack and...Enjoy !

Patch list

|Patch Name              |Patch Type  |Patch ID   |Category        |Sub Category
|Dyno E.P + VPM E.P      |Program     |F000       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano   
|T3 TINES PIANO          |Program     |F001       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano  
|Advanced VPM E.P 4      |Program     |F002       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano  
|Digi E.Piano 3-Way      |Program     |F003       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano  
|DWGS E.Piano            |Program     |F004       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano  
|Silky Digi EP           |Program     |F005       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano  
|Motif Yama EP's         |Program     |F006       |User 17         |User 0         
|Steinway & Sons Concert |Program     |F007       |User 17         |User 0         
|Daydream Piano          |Program     |F008       |Keyboard        |A.Piano        
|Piano Pad               |Combi       |D000       |Keyboard        |A.Piano        
|Piano & Digi EP         |Combi       |D001       |Keyboard        |A.Piano        
|Magical Dream Piano QR  |Combi       |D002       |Keyboard        |A.Piano        
|Swells Pad R. IGOR      |Combi       |D003       |Pads/Vocal      |Dark           
|Spectracolor Pad        |Combi       |D004       |Motion Synth    |Motion         
|Electric Piano Pad      |Combi       |D005       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano  
|Piano Pad II BY IGOR    |Combi       |D006       |Keyboard        |A.Piano        

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Inspiring Piano Collection V1 for Krome EX

Authors : Kromeheaveners


Dear All after a long time without update, I would like to thank you for your patience !

Here is our new little sound pack for the korg krome EX : Inspiring Piano Collection v1 made your patches !

The package contains also a Korg Krome converted PCG (I was not able to test it, since I do not have the korg krome anymore, please make feedback)

Enjoy and stay connected for more sounds !



|Patch Name              |Patch Type  |Patch ID   |Category        |Sub Category    |
|Fireplace Piano *KH*    |Program     |U-F000     |17              |0               |
|Brightest Piano *KH*    |Program     |U-F001     |17              |0               |
|Moonlight Piano *KH*    |Program     |U-F002     |17              |0               |
|ElectricDyna Piano *KH* |Program     |U-F003     |0               |2               |
|Aero Piano *KH*         |Program     |U-F004     |0               |0               |
|Grandissimo Piano *KH*  |Program     |U-F005     |0               |0               |
|Yamaha CP E.Piano *KH*  |Program     |U-F006     |0               |0               |
|Pinky One E.Piano *KH*  |Program     |U-F007     |0               |2               |
|Steinity Way Piano *KH* |Program     |U-F008     |0               |0               |
|Classical Try Piano *KH*|Program     |U-F009     |0               |0               |
|Monolog Piano *KH*      |Program     |U-F010     |0               |0               |
|Harmonia Piano *KH*     |Program     |U-F011     |0               |0               |
|Sustain Piano *KH*      |Program     |U-F012     |0               |0               |
|Attack Piano *KH*       |Program     |U-F013     |0               |0               |

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