M50 Factory Sounds for Korg Krome and Krome EX !

Author : KORG (c)

Hi Kromeheaveners,

here a new "old" sound pack that will make you happy again with your Korg Krome or Krome EX.

What about making the same sound than a Korg M50 ?

Well, it's pretty simple ! Here is the PCG file that can be directly loaded by your korg Krome. I also try to browse the content with my Krome EX and it's also compatible !

Enjoy your new Sound Pack !!! Freely !!!



|Patch Name              |Patch Type  |Patch ID   |Category        |Sub Category    |
|M50 Grand Piano         |Program     |A000       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|M3 Mono Piano & Damper  |Program     |A001       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Pan Suit EP 1  SW2,Knob1|Program     |A002       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Rich Tea E.Piano        |Program     |A003       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Pure Wurly E.Piano      |Program     |A004       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Clav Register AC        |Program     |A005       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Rock Perc.Organ         |Program     |A006       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Intimate Strings        |Program     |A007       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Sharp Brass & Sax Octave|Program     |A008       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|New Vib Flute           |Program     |A009       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Stereo Voice Pad        |Program     |A010       |Vocal/Airy      |Airy            |
|Funk Kit                |Program     |A011       |Drums           |Natural Drums   |
|B.Real Rap Kit          |Program     |A012       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Nylon Guitar 2          |Program     |A013       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Bright Acoustic Bass    |Program     |A014       |Bass/Synth Bass |A.Bass          |
|2 the Point             |Program     |A015       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Deep Soul Lead          |Program     |A016       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Super Analog Pad        |Program     |A017       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|Time Machines           |Program     |A018       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|S&H Sync Shot           |Program     |A019       |Short Decay/Hit |Short Decay     |
|Stereo Grand 3-Way      |Program     |A020       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Stereo Grand 2-Way SW1  |Program     |A021       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Stereo Concert Piano    |Program     |A022       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Classic Piano+Damper    |Program     |A023       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Stereo Piano+Damper     |Program     |A024       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|New Harmonic Grand Piano|Program     |A025       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|SG-1D New Piano         |Program     |A026       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Stereo MIDI Grand w/Pad |Program     |A027       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Daydream Piano          |Program     |A028       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Romance Piano Bell Knob1|Program     |A029       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Sparkling Piano         |Program     |A030       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|CP Electric Grand       |Program     |A031       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|M1 Piano                |Program     |A032       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Mild Suitcase E.Piano   |Program     |A033       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Suitcase E.Piano 3-Way  |Program     |A034       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Attack Stage Piano      |Program     |A035       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Custom E.Piano          |Program     |A036       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Open E.Piano            |Program     |A037       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Real Suit E.Piano       |Program     |A038       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Direct E.Piano 1        |Program     |A039       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Direct E.Piano 2        |Program     |A040       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Master Rho.Piano        |Program     |A041       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Phunky Drive E.Piano    |Program     |A042       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Stage E.P. Amp Type 1   |Program     |A043       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Pan Suit EP 2  SW2,Knob1|Program     |A044       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Stereo Suitcase         |Program     |A045       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Wah Panning E.Piano     |Program     |A046       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Bi-Phase E.Piano        |Program     |A047       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Deep Phaser E.Piano     |Program     |A048       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Stereo Dyno E.Piano     |Program     |A049       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Dyna-My Electric Piano  |Program     |A050       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Master Dyno E.Piano     |Program     |A051       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Reed E.Piano            |Program     |A052       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Wurly E.Piano           |Program     |A053       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Dist Black Wurly        |Program     |A054       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Master Wurly E.Piano    |Program     |A055       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Piano Power Pad         |Program     |A056       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Ballade E.Piano         |Program     |A057       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Digi E.Piano 4-Way      |Program     |A058       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Breathy EP Pad          |Program     |A059       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|SynPianoxy              |Program     |A060       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Dark RnB Piano          |Program     |A061       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Tiny Tine E.Piano       |Program     |A062       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|VS Wave Piano           |Program     |A063       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Smooth Operators        |Program     |A064       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Digi E.Piano 3-Way      |Program     |A065       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Dynamic E.Piano         |Program     |A066       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Funky Tine E.Piano      |Program     |A067       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|VPM E.Piano             |Program     |A068       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Clav 1/Mute SW1         |Program     |A069       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Clav 2/Mute SW1         |Program     |A070       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Velo Clav Mutes         |Program     |A071       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Buzzy Clav              |Program     |A072       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Sticky Finga Clav       |Program     |A073       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Spike Rez Clav          |Program     |A074       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|V.Switch WS Clav        |Program     |A075       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Crunch Clav             |Program     |A076       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Clav Keyoff 1 SW1       |Program     |A077       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Clav Keyoff 2 SW1       |Program     |A078       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Clav Keyoff 3 SW1       |Program     |A079       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Clav Register AD        |Program     |A080       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Clav Register BC        |Program     |A081       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Clav Register BD        |Program     |A082       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Velo Clav "BD"          |Program     |A083       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Master Clav             |Program     |A084       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Touch Wah Clav          |Program     |A085       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Phase Clav Keyoff       |Program     |A086       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Mute Clav Keyoff        |Program     |A087       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|8' Harpsichord + Key Off|Program     |A088       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|16'+8' Harpsichord+Pluk |Program     |A089       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|JazzPerc Organ (3rd/2nd)|Program     |A090       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Perc 1/3rd Organ        |Program     |A091       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Jazz Organ Dist.Perc    |Program     |A092       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Perc 3rd Dist/Organ     |Program     |A093       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Perc Blues OD. Organ SW |Program     |A094       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Dist.Organ Perc         |Program     |A095       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Distortion Organ        |Program     |A096       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Rock-Organ Overdrive    |Program     |A097       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Master Perc Rock Organ  |Program     |A098       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Perc Organ              |Program     |A099       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Master Full Organ       |Program     |A100       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Screamin' CX-3 SW1,2    |Program     |A101       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Master Rock Organ       |Program     |A102       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|M1/Perc1 Organ          |Program     |A103       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Smoke House Organ       |Program     |A104       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Jazz Perc Organ         |Program     |A105       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Percussive Organ        |Program     |A106       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Gospel BX3              |Program     |A107       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Jazzy Med. Organ        |Program     |A108       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Ballade Organ           |Program     |A109       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Drawbars adds Highs     |Program     |A110       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Drawbars soft<->full    |Program     |A111       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Full Power BX3          |Program     |A112       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Full Organ              |Program     |A113       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|DWGS Mix Organ          |Program     |A114       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|CX-3 Organ              |Program     |A115       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|DWGS Soft Organ         |Program     |A116       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Ballade Organ SW1,2     |Program     |A117       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Jazzy Dark Organ SW,Knob|Program     |A118       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Techno Organ Leader     |Program     |A119       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Vox Organ SW2 Tabs      |Program     |A120       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Vox E.Organ             |Program     |A121       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|UK Rock Organ           |Program     |A122       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Positive Organ          |Program     |A123       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Church Positive/Full    |Program     |A124       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Pipe Organ Mixture      |Program     |A125       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Pipe Full Organ         |Program     |A126       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|VS Bells Twinkle Dust   |Program     |A127       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Air Bells               |Program     |B000       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Morning Bells           |Program     |B001       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Happy Kids Bells        |Program     |B002       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Pure Satin Bells        |Program     |B003       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Silver Solar Bells      |Program     |B004       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|VPM Pluck Bells         |Program     |B005       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Glass Pluck Bells       |Program     |B006       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|VS Bells 1              |Program     |B007       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|VS Bells 2              |Program     |B008       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|VS Bells 3              |Program     |B009       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|VPM Tubular Bells       |Program     |B010       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Finger Cymbal Bells     |Program     |B011       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|DigiMetal Bell          |Program     |B012       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Little Fuzz Bell        |Program     |B013       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Analog Bell/Harp        |Program     |B014       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Calm Bell Synth         |Program     |B015       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Glass Bell              |Program     |B016       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Music Box               |Program     |B017       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Orchestral Celesta      |Program     |B018       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Glockenspiel Soft       |Program     |B019       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Glockenspiel Hard       |Program     |B020       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Tubular Bells Rack      |Program     |B021       |Bell/Mallet     |Bell            |
|Vibraphone Soft         |Program     |B022       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Vibraphone Hard         |Program     |B023       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Bali Gamelan            |Program     |B024       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Birds in the Kalimba SW1|Program     |B025       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|African Kalimba         |Program     |B026       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|The Kalimba             |Program     |B027       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Marimba Hard Mallet     |Program     |B028       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Xylophone Dynamic Xfade |Program     |B029       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Balaphone               |Program     |B030       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|The Log Drum            |Program     |B031       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Steel Drums SW1         |Program     |B032       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Santur Dynamic Xfade    |Program     |B033       |Bell/Mallet     |Mallet          |
|Stereo Strings Legato   |Program     |B034       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Stereo Oct Strings SW1  |Program     |B035       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Symphony Strings        |Program     |B036       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Arco Stereo Strings     |Program     |B037       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Symphonic Bows          |Program     |B038       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Hollywood Strings       |Program     |B039       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Legato Strings          |Program     |B040       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Platinum Strings        |Program     |B041       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Few Bows Stereo         |Program     |B042       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Beautiful Strings       |Program     |B043       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Tremolo Strings  Knob1  |Program     |B044       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Analog Strings Stereo   |Program     |B045       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Analog Strings          |Program     |B046       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|String Pad 1            |Program     |B047       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|String Pad 2            |Program     |B048       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Vintage Analog Strings  |Program     |B049       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Analog Strings Pad      |Program     |B050       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Analog Strings Ens      |Program     |B051       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Progressive Ana Strings |Program     |B052       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Krimson Strings SW2     |Program     |B053       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Pizz Ensemble/Solo 1 SW2|Program     |B054       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|Pizz Ensemble/Solo 2 SW2|Program     |B055       |Strings         |Ensemble        |
|String Quartet/Pizz SW1 |Program     |B056       |Strings         |Solo            |
|Vib StrQuartet/Pizz SW1 |Program     |B057       |Strings         |Solo            |
|Violin Solo/Pizz  SW1   |Program     |B058       |Strings         |Solo            |
|Vib Violin Solo/Pizz SW1|Program     |B059       |Strings         |Solo            |
|Viola Solo/Pizz SW1     |Program     |B060       |Strings         |Solo            |
|Cello Solo/Pizz SW1     |Program     |B061       |Strings         |Solo            |
|Erhu SW1                |Program     |B062       |Strings         |Solo            |
|Scat Voices             |Program     |B063       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Male Scat Voices        |Program     |B064       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Female Scat Voices      |Program     |B065       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Classical Choir         |Program     |B066       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Classic Choir           |Program     |B067       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Aaah Stereo Voices      |Program     |B068       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Ah Voices               |Program     |B069       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Ooh Voices L&R          |Program     |B070       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Oooh Stereo Voices      |Program     |B071       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Uh-Wooh M&F Voices      |Program     |B072       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Tron Choir              |Program     |B073       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|VoxFormant AAH/OOH=SW1  |Program     |B074       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Sing-2-Me  Kn1=Ah,Ha,Lah|Program     |B075       |Vocal/Airy      |Vocal           |
|Mountain Voices         |Program     |B076       |Vocal/Airy      |Airy            |
|New Day Voices          |Program     |B077       |Vocal/Airy      |Airy            |
|Alpine Voice Pad        |Program     |B078       |Vocal/Airy      |Airy            |
|Dream Voices            |Program     |B079       |Vocal/Airy      |Airy            |
|Arctic Voices           |Program     |B080       |Vocal/Airy      |Airy            |
|Light Voices L&R        |Program     |B081       |Vocal/Airy      |Airy            |
|Air Voices              |Program     |B082       |Vocal/Airy      |Airy            |
|Dreaming of Blue        |Program     |B083       |Vocal/Airy      |Airy            |
|Stereo Open Brass       |Program     |B084       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Session Brass           |Program     |B085       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Big Stereo Brass        |Program     |B086       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Thin Stereo Brass       |Program     |B087       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Trumpets Xfade          |Program     |B088       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Warm Brass              |Program     |B089       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Full Brass Section      |Program     |B090       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Mono Brass              |Program     |B091       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|SFZ Brass               |Program     |B092       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Brass Vel. Fall 3-Way   |Program     |B093       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Sharp Brass             |Program     |B094       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Trumpets Velocity       |Program     |B095       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Trombone Duo            |Program     |B096       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|2 Trumpets Oct-Velo Fall|Program     |B097       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|T.O.P Section           |Program     |B098       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Trombones 4-Way         |Program     |B099       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Trombones Xfade         |Program     |B100       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Brass & Saxophones      |Program     |B101       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Stereo Brass & Tubas    |Program     |B102       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|French Horn Ensemble    |Program     |B103       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|French Horn Duo         |Program     |B104       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Nu French Horn Ensemble |Program     |B105       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Brass doit/fall Hit !   |Program     |B106       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Mute Tp/Tb Ensemble     |Program     |B107       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Sharp Mute Tp/Tb Octave |Program     |B108       |Brass           |Ensemble        |
|Sensitive Trumpet       |Program     |B109       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Trumpet Overblown       |Program     |B110       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Trumpet Open Tone       |Program     |B111       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Tongue Trumpet Xfade    |Program     |B112       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Trumpet Vibrato         |Program     |B113       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Mute Trumpet            |Program     |B114       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Piccolo Trumpet         |Program     |B115       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Flugelhorn              |Program     |B116       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Solo Trombone 4-Way     |Program     |B117       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Trombone Vibrato        |Program     |B118       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Mute Trombone           |Program     |B119       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Solo French Horn        |Program     |B120       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Tuba Dynamic Xfade      |Program     |B121       |Brass           |Solo            |
|Silver Flute            |Program     |B122       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Vibrato Flute           |Program     |B123       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Flute Dynamic           |Program     |B124       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Magical Flute           |Program     |B125       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Jazz Flute Solo Perf.   |Program     |B126       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Piccolo Flute           |Program     |B127       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Strawberry Flutes SW1   |Program     |C000       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Recorder                |Program     |C001       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Nay                     |Program     |C002       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Ocarina Classic Tone    |Program     |C003       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|PanFlute + Overtones    |Program     |C004       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Tin Whistle             |Program     |C005       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Shakuhachi Xfade        |Program     |C006       |Woodwind/Reed   |Woodwind        |
|Soprano Sax  JS-Y Growl |Program     |C007       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Vibrato Saxes JS-Y Growl|Program     |C008       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Alto Sax Soft -Y Breath |Program     |C009       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Alto Sax Hard JS-Y Growl|Program     |C010       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Tenor & Alto Saxes Forte|Program     |C011       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Tenor Sax Hard -Y Growl |Program     |C012       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Baritone Sax JS-Y Growl |Program     |C013       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Doublereed Family       |Program     |C014       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Oboe                    |Program     |C015       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|English Horn SW1        |Program     |C016       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Clarinets               |Program     |C017       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Clarinet                |Program     |C018       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Bass Clarinet SW1 Duo   |Program     |C019       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Bassoon                 |Program     |C020       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Musette + Principal     |Program     |C021       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Musette + 4'            |Program     |C022       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Astor's Bandoneon       |Program     |C023       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Harmonica SW1 Distortion|Program     |C024       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Uillean Pipe VeloSwitch |Program     |C025       |Woodwind/Reed   |Reed            |
|Nylon Guitar 1          |Program     |C026       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|12 String Guitar        |Program     |C027       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|A.Guitar Dynamic Pick   |Program     |C028       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Steel Ac Guitar         |Program     |C029       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Metal Res Guitar        |Program     |C030       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Glassy Strat            |Program     |C031       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Xfade E.Guitar          |Program     |C032       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|E.Guitar Dynamic Pick   |Program     |C033       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Hybrid Guitar           |Program     |C034       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Fly Studio Guitar       |Program     |C035       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Telly E.Guitar Comp     |Program     |C036       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Twin Telly E.Guitar     |Program     |C037       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Muted Pick Guitar 1     |Program     |C038       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Muted Pick Guitar 2     |Program     |C039       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Funkaholic Mute E.Guitar|Program     |C040       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Elec Guitar + Twin      |Program     |C041       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Dirty Guitar + AC30     |Program     |C042       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|SemiDist. Guitar        |Program     |C043       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Overdrive Guitar SW1,2  |Program     |C044       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Cool AutoWah Gtr        |Program     |C045       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Whack-a-Wah SW1         |Program     |C046       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Vintage Tremolo Guitar  |Program     |C047       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Rotary Guitar           |Program     |C048       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Tremolo-matic           |Program     |C049       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Brit Guitar             |Program     |C050       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Boutique Lead Guitar    |Program     |C051       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|New Fuzz Guitar Velo    |Program     |C052       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Distorted Guitar Lead   |Program     |C053       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Wah Lead Gtr JS+-Y      |Program     |C054       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Screaming Tube Guitar   |Program     |C055       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Dist.Guit JS-Y Mute     |Program     |C056       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Mega Mute Guitar        |Program     |C057       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Power Guitar FX         |Program     |C058       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Gtr Power Chords & FX   |Program     |C059       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|JazzGuitar & AmpCabinet |Program     |C060       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Pedal Steel PreBend Gtr |Program     |C061       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Bouzuki Octave Strings  |Program     |C062       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Dyna Banjo              |Program     |C063       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Harp 'Nails'            |Program     |C064       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Mandolin Pick           |Program     |C065       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Mandolin Trem & Str     |Program     |C066       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Sitar & Tambura         |Program     |C067       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Sitar SW2               |Program     |C068       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Shamisen SW1 Double     |Program     |C069       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Koto SW1                |Program     |C070       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Oud Dynamic Xfade       |Program     |C071       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Dark Floor Bass         |Program     |C072       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|2 Deep Bass             |Program     |C073       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Dark Point Bass         |Program     |C074       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Woody Syn Bass          |Program     |C075       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Props Bass              |Program     |C076       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|DistortionHead          |Program     |C077       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Elephant Sub Bass       |Program     |C078       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Dark Round Wound        |Program     |C079       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Syn Reso Bass SW1,2     |Program     |C080       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Hevy O                  |Program     |C081       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Deep in the Growler     |Program     |C082       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Funkylicious Bass       |Program     |C083       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Rezziz Bazz  Knob3      |Program     |C084       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Blue Acid Bass          |Program     |C085       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|PowerBar Bass           |Program     |C086       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Memento Mori Bass       |Program     |C087       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Trauma Bass             |Program     |C088       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Raunchy Bass            |Program     |C089       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Evil Eye Bass           |Program     |C090       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|VPM Syn Bass            |Program     |C091       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Take Me Home Bass       |Program     |C092       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Phone Home Bass         |Program     |C093       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Vulcan Ear Bass         |Program     |C094       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|RnB Bass/Lead           |Program     |C095       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Harmonic Bass           |Program     |C096       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|HipHop Shop             |Program     |C097       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Mud Bass                |Program     |C098       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Ragin' Bass             |Program     |C099       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Father of Disco Bass    |Program     |C100       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Electro Big Bass        |Program     |C101       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|MG Funk Bass            |Program     |C102       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|JungleHead              |Program     |C103       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Hard Sync Bass          |Program     |C104       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Kriptonik Bass          |Program     |C105       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|House Organ Bass        |Program     |C106       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|Strong/Baddd Bass       |Program     |C107       |Bass/Synth Bass |Synth Bass      |
|A'Kustik Bass           |Program     |C108       |Bass/Synth Bass |A.Bass          |
|Acoustic Bass 1 SW1     |Program     |C109       |Bass/Synth Bass |A.Bass          |
|Acoustic Bass 2 SW1     |Program     |C110       |Bass/Synth Bass |A.Bass          |
|Finger Bass 1           |Program     |C111       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Finger Bass 2           |Program     |C112       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Finger Bass 3           |Program     |C113       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Finger Bass 4           |Program     |C114       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Finger Bass 5           |Program     |C115       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Finger Bass 6           |Program     |C116       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Finger Bass 7           |Program     |C117       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Velocity Bend Bass      |Program     |C118       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Stinger Bass            |Program     |C119       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Picked Precision Bass   |Program     |C120       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Picked Bass 1           |Program     |C121       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Picked Bass 2 SW1       |Program     |C122       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Picked Velocity Mute    |Program     |C123       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|HB Fretless Bass        |Program     |C124       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Pro Fretless Bass SW1   |Program     |C125       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Dark Fretless           |Program     |C126       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Slap Bass Sting SW1 Noiz|Program     |C127       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Thumb Bass 1            |Program     |D000       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Thumb Bass 2 SW1        |Program     |D001       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Mono Dyna Slap Bass     |Program     |D002       |Bass/Synth Bass |E.Bass          |
|Hybrid String Pad       |Program     |D003       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Ana-2-Real Strings      |Program     |D004       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Tranquil Pad            |Program     |D005       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Paddylicious            |Program     |D006       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|MassBrassPad            |Program     |D007       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Breeze Pad              |Program     |D008       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Airy Tails              |Program     |D009       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Evoxativity Pad         |Program     |D010       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Spectral Voices Knob2   |Program     |D011       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Whale's World SW1       |Program     |D012       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Angel World             |Program     |D013       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Late Night Pad          |Program     |D014       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Givin' Out Vibes        |Program     |D015       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Pad Hissing Pad         |Program     |D016       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Slow Metal Pad          |Program     |D017       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Reed Pad                |Program     |D018       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Filter Bank             |Program     |D019       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Slow Flange Pad         |Program     |D020       |SlowSynth       |Bright          |
|Synth Brass Pad         |Program     |D021       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|Slow Sine Pad           |Program     |D022       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|Cloud City              |Program     |D023       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|Deepest Vox Pad         |Program     |D024       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|The 5th Vector          |Program     |D025       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|Beautiful Longings      |Program     |D026       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|Ripplator               |Program     |D027       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|Gentle Syn Strings      |Program     |D028       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|Warm & Slow Pad         |Program     |D029       |SlowSynth       |Dark            |
|{(Meditate})            |Program     |D030       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Splash From The Past    |Program     |D031       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Freedom Pad             |Program     |D032       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Simple Rez Sweep Pad    |Program     |D033       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Notchstradamus          |Program     |D034       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|High Octane HPF Sweep   |Program     |D035       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Cross Sweeper           |Program     |D036       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Debussian Pad           |Program     |D037       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Pad-O-Rama              |Program     |D038       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Ghost Motions           |Program     |D039       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Oddy-say Pad            |Program     |D040       |SlowSynth       |Sweep           |
|Rapper's D'light        |Program     |D041       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Syn Brass The Sailor    |Program     |D042       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Leader of Trance        |Program     |D043       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Spiky Analog            |Program     |D044       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|VeloFilter Stabs SW1    |Program     |D045       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Pure Power 5th          |Program     |D046       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Rat Chords     controls!|Program     |D047       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Warm Analog             |Program     |D048       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|DoubleSynth SW1         |Program     |D049       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Brite Rezzy Synth SW1   |Program     |D050       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Flute Pad               |Program     |D051       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Padme & Leadme          |Program     |D052       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Gliding Squares         |Program     |D053       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Sine Synth              |Program     |D054       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Synth Mallet            |Program     |D055       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Syn. Mallet 5ths        |Program     |D056       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Beauty Keys             |Program     |D057       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Pulse Morph Comp        |Program     |D058       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Fun Comp Synth          |Program     |D059       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Storm Chaser            |Program     |D060       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Dist Satellite          |Program     |D061       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Brite Bold Saws         |Program     |D062       |FastSynth       |Short Release   |
|Powerful Euphoria       |Program     |D063       |FastSynth       |Long Release    |
|Attacking Synth         |Program     |D064       |FastSynth       |Long Release    |
|Power Synth             |Program     |D065       |FastSynth       |Long Release    |
|Cosmic Furnace          |Program     |D066       |FastSynth       |Long Release    |
|Perky Vox Synth         |Program     |D067       |FastSynth       |Long Release    |
|Pop Synth Pad           |Program     |D068       |FastSynth       |Long Release    |
|Fresh Air               |Program     |D069       |FastSynth       |Long Release    |
|Happy Air Synth         |Program     |D070       |FastSynth       |Long Release    |
|Soft Rezz Synth         |Program     |D071       |FastSynth       |Long Release    |
|Bright Square Lead      |Program     |D072       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|TeknoSink Lead          |Program     |D073       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Wikid Lead              |Program     |D074       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Mega Lead               |Program     |D075       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Bright Saw Lead         |Program     |D076       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Classic Unison Lead     |Program     |D077       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Fear Not                |Program     |D078       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Amsterdam Momma         |Program     |D079       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Lead With a Vengence    |Program     |D080       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Pulse Morph Lead        |Program     |D081       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Squeekish Lead          |Program     |D082       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Stealth Sync Lead       |Program     |D083       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Syncified Lead          |Program     |D084       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Mega Sync Lead          |Program     |D085       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Tranceferrance Lead     |Program     |D086       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|ResRes One Mono Lead    |Program     |D087       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Vintage SciFi Lead      |Program     |D088       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Huggy lead              |Program     |D089       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Trance Form Lead        |Program     |D090       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Diss   (LH controllers!)|Program     |D091       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Mass Destruction        |Program     |D092       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Surfin PWM Lead         |Program     |D093       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Screaming Mini          |Program     |D094       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Vintage Lead            |Program     |D095       |LeadSynth       |Hard            |
|Espress Lead            |Program     |D096       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Singing Lead            |Program     |D097       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Lead Ting               |Program     |D098       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Pro Synth Lead          |Program     |D099       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Round Poppy Lead        |Program     |D100       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Leading Sines           |Program     |D101       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Vox Lead SW1            |Program     |D102       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Syn Pipes               |Program     |D103       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Vintage Sine Lead       |Program     |D104       |LeadSynth       |Soft            |
|Evolving                |Program     |D105       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Aqua Phonics            |Program     |D106       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Liquid Evolution        |Program     |D107       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Dark Revolution         |Program     |D108       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Morphing Cloud Pad      |Program     |D109       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Eternity                |Program     |D110       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Butterflies             |Program     |D111       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|The Good Fairy's Pad    |Program     |D112       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Lost & Falling          |Program     |D113       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Pods In The Pad         |Program     |D114       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Flying Machines         |Program     |D115       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Windy Atmosphere        |Program     |D116       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Transformation          |Program     |D117       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Swirl Pad               |Program     |D118       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Flutter Pad             |Program     |D119       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Dream Catcher           |Program     |D120       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Spirals & Steps         |Program     |D121       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Sea Glass               |Program     |D122       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|VS Waves Mirror*rorriM  |Program     |D123       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Flutterz                |Program     |D124       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Shimmer Sparkle Pad     |Program     |D125       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Scatter Synth           |Program     |D126       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|Apollo Pad              |Program     |D127       |MotionSynth     |Motion          |
|BPM Gating Voice Pad    |Program     |E000       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|Whispering              |Program     |E001       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Flashlight Pad      |Program     |E002       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Gatepad             |Program     |E003       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|Sea Creature            |Program     |E004       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Pulse               |Program     |E005       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Orbit Blip          |Program     |E006       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|Ready for Liftoff       |Program     |E007       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Motion Trance       |Program     |E008       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Metallic Water      |Program     |E009       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Dense Motionations  |Program     |E010       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Machine Jam         |Program     |E011       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Telephone Jam       |Program     |E012       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM QuantizedFilterPlay |Program     |E013       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Step Slowly         |Program     |E014       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|eMoTiOn                 |Program     |E015       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|BPM Not a Care.....     |Program     |E016       |MotionSynth     |Rhythmic        |
|Perfect Storm           |Program     |E017       |SFX             |Natural         |
|SubSonik War Drums      |Program     |E018       |SFX             |Natural         |
|Sonic Blast             |Program     |E019       |SFX             |Natural         |
|Outside Elements        |Program     |E020       |SFX             |Natural         |
|Jungle Habitat          |Program     |E021       |SFX             |Natural         |
|Meditation Tree         |Program     |E022       |SFX             |Natural         |
|Coin Thwack             |Program     |E023       |SFX             |Natural         |
|New North Wind          |Program     |E024       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Wuukkee FX              |Program     |E025       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Stereo Flange Sweep     |Program     |E026       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Cosmic Waves            |Program     |E027       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Hemispheres             |Program     |E028       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Orbiting Probes         |Program     |E029       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|New Voyage              |Program     |E030       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Sweep-n-Drop            |Program     |E031       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Space Gliders           |Program     |E032       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Ask For Directions      |Program     |E033       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Steam Sweeps            |Program     |E034       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Distant Ice             |Program     |E035       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|The Great Wall          |Program     |E036       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Cosmic Frisbee          |Program     |E037       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Ominous Orch Pad/Hit SW1|Program     |E038       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Crypt-on                |Program     |E039       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Close the Blast Doors   |Program     |E040       |SFX             |Synthetic       |
|Short SAW Arp           |Program     |E041       |Short Decay/Hit |Short Decay     |
|Short SQUARE Arp        |Program     |E042       |Short Decay/Hit |Short Decay     |
|Bright Synth Hits       |Program     |E043       |Short Decay/Hit |Short Decay     |
|Metal Arp               |Program     |E044       |Short Decay/Hit |Short Decay     |
|Goober Uber Alles       |Program     |E045       |Short Decay/Hit |Short Decay     |
|Tech-Blip               |Program     |E046       |Short Decay/Hit |Short Decay     |
|Synth Chord Hit         |Program     |E047       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Synth Hitter            |Program     |E048       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Mega Synth Hit          |Program     |E049       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Hit The Road!           |Program     |E050       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Hevy LO-FI Synth Hits   |Program     |E051       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Tinkle Hit              |Program     |E052       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Dance/House Hits        |Program     |E053       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Sky Boy                 |Program     |E054       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|R&B Planet              |Program     |E055       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|We All Fall Down        |Program     |E056       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Lo<->Hi Hit             |Program     |E057       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Brass Hit (Maj/HipHop)  |Program     |E058       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Stereo Power Hit        |Program     |E059       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Mega Orch Hit           |Program     |E060       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Multi Orch Hits         |Program     |E061       |Short Decay/Hit |Hit             |
|Studio Standard Kit     |Program     |E062       |Drums           |Natural Drums   |
|Jazz/Brush Kit          |Program     |E063       |Drums           |Natural Drums   |
|Acoustic Pop Kit        |Program     |E064       |Drums           |Natural Drums   |
|Wild Rock Kit           |Program     |E065       |Drums           |Natural Drums   |
|Processed Kit           |Program     |E066       |Drums           |Natural Drums   |
|Electro Rock Kit        |Program     |E067       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Insane FX Kit           |Program     |E068       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Nu Style Kit            |Program     |E069       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Hip Hop Kit             |Program     |E070       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Tricki Kit              |Program     |E071       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Mashed Kit              |Program     |E072       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Drum'n'Bass Kit         |Program     |E073       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|House Kit               |Program     |E074       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Trance Kit              |Program     |E075       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Hard House Kit          |Program     |E076       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Psycho/Chill Kit        |Program     |E077       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Down Low Rap Kit        |Program     |E078       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Low bit Kit             |Program     |E079       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Vinyl Loop Kit          |Program     |E080       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|DJ/BeatBox Kit          |Program     |E081       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Rap/Gospel Kit          |Program     |E082       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Industry/Vocal Kit      |Program     |E083       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|Original Perc. Kit      |Program     |E084       |Drums           |Perc            |
|Brazilian Perc. Kit     |Program     |E085       |Drums           |Perc            |
|Cuban Perc. Kit         |Program     |E086       |Drums           |Perc            |
|Conga Variation Kit     |Program     |E087       |Drums           |Perc            |
|Misc. Perc. Kit         |Program     |E088       |Drums           |Perc            |
|Orch./Ethnic Kit        |Program     |E089       |Drums           |Perc            |
|BD/SD/CymKit 1 TA  Knob4|Program     |E090       |Drums           |Natural Drums   |
|BD/SD/CymKit 2 TA  Knob4|Program     |E091       |Drums           |Natural Drums   |
|New Mega Drum Hit       |Program     |E092       |Drums           |Dance Drums     |
|China Gong (Tam Tam)    |Program     |E093       |Drums           |Perc            |
|Timpani Splits SW2 Roll |Program     |E094       |Drums           |Perc            |
|Marktree                |Program     |E095       |Drums           |Perc            |


|Dreaming withoutSleeping|Combi       |A000       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Driving Miles  SW1,2    |Combi       |A001       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|No Mo' Money Rap        |Combi       |A002       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Large Analog String Pad |Combi       |A003       |Strings         |Small           |
|The Fellowship of Saturn|Combi       |A004       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Trumpets&Brass Open Tone|Combi       |A005       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|The Orchestra           |Combi       |A006       |Orchestral      |Large           |
|Prog Rock Festival      |Combi       |A007       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|The Future of Funk      |Combi       |A008       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|European Holiday        |Combi       |A009       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Flight Of The Eagle     |Combi       |A010       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Wizard Dust             |Combi       |A011       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Powerful Intro          |Combi       |A012       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Tribal Dance            |Combi       |A013       |World           |World           |
|Fireside                |Combi       |A014       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Elec & Ac Guitar (Hold) |Combi       |A015       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Towards The Sun         |Combi       |A016       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Winter Walk             |Combi       |A017       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Worship                 |Combi       |A018       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Piano & Natural Voices  |Combi       |A019       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Across The Milky Way    |Combi       |A020       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Tirtian Piano           |Combi       |A021       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|The Ballade Piano       |Combi       |A022       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Eternal Visionary       |Combi       |A023       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Piano & Strings         |Combi       |A024       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Piano Tech Pad          |Combi       |A025       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Melancholy Piano Pad    |Combi       |A026       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Poetic Flute Ensemble   |Combi       |A027       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Stranded                |Combi       |A028       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Lake of Two Mountains   |Combi       |A029       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|WS Layer Keys           |Combi       |A030       |Keyboard        |A.Piano         |
|Stereo E.Piano          |Combi       |A031       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Electric Piano Pad      |Combi       |A032       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Tingly Breath E.Piano   |Combi       |A033       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Electus Grandus SW2 JS-Y|Combi       |A034       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Princess Hannah's Piano |Combi       |A035       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Future Tine             |Combi       |A036       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Reed Piano Pad          |Combi       |A037       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Sparkling Beauty        |Combi       |A038       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Indulge EP SW1          |Combi       |A039       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Blend Piano             |Combi       |A040       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Electric Bell EP        |Combi       |A041       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Tone Adjusted EP        |Combi       |A042       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Pianophonix             |Combi       |A043       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|The Crawl               |Combi       |A044       |Keyboard        |Synth E.Piano   |
|Safe from the Storm     |Combi       |A045       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Street Market           |Combi       |A046       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Vintage Tremolo EP      |Combi       |A047       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|NuBreed E.Piano 2       |Combi       |A048       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|NuBreed E.Piano 1       |Combi       |A049       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Garage Night SW2        |Combi       |A050       |Keyboard        |Real E.Piano    |
|Krazy Clav              |Combi       |A051       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Over Ground Wah         |Combi       |A052       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Stereo Buddies          |Combi       |A053       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Clavanator              |Combi       |A054       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Clav Clone              |Combi       |A055       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Buzzy Finga Clav        |Combi       |A056       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Chasing Vector          |Combi       |A057       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|The Recital             |Combi       |A058       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|A Baroque Moment        |Combi       |A059       |Keyboard        |Clav/Harpsi     |
|Distorted Full Organ    |Combi       |A060       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Vintage Organ           |Combi       |A061       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Old Jazz "B"            |Combi       |A062       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|BX-3 Key Click Organ    |Combi       |A063       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Wah Organ Velo SW       |Combi       |A064       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Funky Dual Manual Organ |Combi       |A065       |Organ           |E.Organ         |
|Jazzy Organ Split       |Combi       |A066       |Organ           |Organ Split     |
|Jazz Organ & Pedals     |Combi       |A067       |Organ           |Organ Split     |
|Master Rock Solo Organ  |Combi       |A068       |Organ           |Organ Split     |
|Pipes & Strings & Brass |Combi       |A069       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Hymn for Him            |Combi       |A070       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Pipe Organ & Choir      |Combi       |A071       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Magic Pipe Organ        |Combi       |A072       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Cathedral Organ         |Combi       |A073       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Pipe Organ 1 (Use Knobs)|Combi       |A074       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Pipe Organ 2 (Use Knobs)|Combi       |A075       |Organ           |Pipe Organ      |
|Reflective Tone         |Combi       |A076       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Siberian Bells          |Combi       |A077       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Ice On The Pond         |Combi       |A078       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Welcoming               |Combi       |A079       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Gamelan Dance           |Combi       |A080       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Echoscape Bell          |Combi       |A081       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|A Bell and a Wish       |Combi       |A082       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Balinese Joy            |Combi       |A083       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Cute Music Box          |Combi       |A084       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Bouncing With Benny SW1 |Combi       |A085       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Bell            |
|Rainbow Bridge          |Combi       |A086       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Mallet          |
|Mallet Kalimba          |Combi       |A087       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Mallet          |
|Breathing Bells JS-Y    |Combi       |A088       |Bell/Mallet/Perc|Mallet          |
|Camera Strings Control  |Combi       |A089       |Strings         |Small           |
|Delicato Strings        |Combi       |A090       |Strings         |Small           |
|String Menu SW1,2       |Combi       |A091       |Strings         |Small           |
|Vibrato Strings/Arco    |Combi       |A092       |Strings         |Small           |
|Xpressive Strings       |Combi       |A093       |Strings         |Small           |
|Mixed Strings           |Combi       |A094       |Strings         |Small           |
|DynaOctave Strings      |Combi       |A095       |Strings         |Small           |
|Natural Strings         |Combi       |A096       |Strings         |Medium          |
|Natural String/Arco     |Combi       |A097       |Strings         |Medium          |
|Tremolo Strings JS-Y    |Combi       |A098       |Strings         |Medium          |
|Pizzicato/Strings SW1   |Combi       |A099       |Strings         |Medium          |
|Velvet Pad Strings      |Combi       |A100       |Strings         |Large           |
|Red Velvet Strings      |Combi       |A101       |Strings         |Large           |
|Arco String Section     |Combi       |A102       |Strings         |Large           |
|Octave Legato Strings   |Combi       |A103       |Strings         |Large           |
|String->Tremolo Xfade   |Combi       |A104       |Strings         |Large           |
|Slow Pad String XL      |Combi       |A105       |Strings         |Large           |
|Pro Strings             |Combi       |A106       |Strings         |Large           |
|Grand Legato Strings    |Combi       |A107       |Strings         |Large           |
|Arco Grand Strings      |Combi       |A108       |Strings         |Large           |
|Dynamic Quantity Strings|Combi       |A109       |Strings         |Large           |
|Slow Grand Strings      |Combi       |A110       |Strings         |Large           |
|Dyna Trombones Stereo   |Combi       |A111       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|Slow Brass 2 SW1 Oct    |Combi       |A112       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|Orchestral Horns        |Combi       |A113       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|Sforzando Brass         |Combi       |A114       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|CupMute Brass Ensemble  |Combi       |A115       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|Muted Brass             |Combi       |A116       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|Bright Brass SW1 Oct    |Combi       |A117       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|Slow Brass 1 SW1 Oct    |Combi       |A118       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|FrenchHorns & Bones     |Combi       |A119       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|3 Soft Trumpets SW1     |Combi       |A120       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|Trumpets & Bones        |Combi       |A121       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|Brass & Mutes           |Combi       |A122       |Brass/Reed      |Brass           |
|Super Sax Section       |Combi       |A123       |Brass/Reed      |Reed            |
|All Saxophones          |Combi       |A124       |Brass/Reed      |Reed            |
|Saxophone Solo's Family |Combi       |A125       |Brass/Reed      |Reed            |
|Silver Flutes SW1 Oct   |Combi       |A126       |Brass/Reed      |Reed            |
|All Flutes              |Combi       |A127       |Brass/Reed      |Reed            |
|All Clarinets           |Combi       |B000       |Brass/Reed      |Reed            |
|All Doublereeds         |Combi       |B001       |Brass/Reed      |Reed            |
|Cuban Breeze            |Combi       |B002       |Brass/Reed      |Mix             |
|Brass & Sax Section     |Combi       |B003       |Brass/Reed      |Mix             |
|Alto & Brass Section    |Combi       |B004       |Brass/Reed      |Mix             |
|Flute & Bassoon         |Combi       |B005       |Brass/Reed      |Mix             |
|Sugar Dreams            |Combi       |B006       |Orchestral      |Small           |
|Concert in the Castle   |Combi       |B007       |Orchestral      |Small           |
|Strings & Woodwinds     |Combi       |B008       |Orchestral      |Small           |
|Ceremony for a King     |Combi       |B009       |Orchestral      |Small           |
|Orchestral Passages     |Combi       |B010       |Orchestral      |Small           |
|Renaissance Ensemble    |Combi       |B011       |Orchestral      |Small           |
|Orchestra Mezzopiano    |Combi       |B012       |Orchestral      |Small           |
|Orchestral Woodwinds    |Combi       |B013       |Orchestral      |Small           |
|Flutes & Orchestra      |Combi       |B014       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|Orch Menu SW1,2         |Combi       |B015       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|Brass&Strings Orchestra |Combi       |B016       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|Chick Flick Orchestra   |Combi       |B017       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|Piccolo&Xylophone Split |Combi       |B018       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|Reed/Str/Brass/Orch.    |Combi       |B019       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|Woodwind & Strings      |Combi       |B020       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|Baroquesque             |Combi       |B021       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|The Love Scene SW2      |Combi       |B022       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|Dynamic Score Sketcher  |Combi       |B023       |Orchestral      |Medium          |
|Flute In The Movie      |Combi       |B024       |Orchestral      |Large           |
|M50 Orchestra           |Combi       |B025       |Orchestral      |Large           |
|Harpsichord & Orchestra |Combi       |B026       |Orchestral      |Large           |
|Matinee Hero Orch       |Combi       |B027       |Orchestral      |Large           |
|Velo Dynamic Orch       |Combi       |B028       |Orchestral      |Large           |
|Symphonic Music         |Combi       |B029       |Orchestral      |Large           |
|Movie Landscapes        |Combi       |B030       |Orchestral      |Large           |
|Ethno Geo               |Combi       |B031       |World           |World           |
|Mayan Temple            |Combi       |B032       |World           |World           |
|Asian Mystery           |Combi       |B033       |World           |World           |
|Safari King             |Combi       |B034       |World           |World           |
|Dance for Rain          |Combi       |B035       |World           |World           |
|New World Beat SW1      |Combi       |B036       |World           |World           |
|Celtic Tale             |Combi       |B037       |World           |World           |
|Going Home to Eire      |Combi       |B038       |World           |World           |
|Son of Nature           |Combi       |B039       |World           |World           |
|Asian  DJ               |Combi       |B040       |World           |World           |
|Dingo Dance             |Combi       |B041       |World           |World           |
|The Battle at Karnack   |Combi       |B042       |World           |World           |
|Tiger by the Tail       |Combi       |B043       |World           |World           |
|Kilimanjaro             |Combi       |B044       |World           |World           |
|Chinese Flavours SW1,2  |Combi       |B045       |World           |World           |
|Hakone & Fuji-san       |Combi       |B046       |World           |World           |
|Irish Flavors Split     |Combi       |B047       |World           |World           |
|Pipes! SW1,2 Recording  |Combi       |B048       |World           |World           |
|Mandolin Orchestra      |Combi       |B049       |World           |World           |
|When Daddy Gets Home    |Combi       |B050       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Nylon Guitars           |Combi       |B051       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Soundtrack Guitar       |Combi       |B052       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Acoustic Gtr Vocoder    |Combi       |B053       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|...and keeps on picking!|Combi       |B054       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Guitar&Heavenly Pad SW1 |Combi       |B055       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Gentle Guitar SW2       |Combi       |B056       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Tranquil Guitar Pad     |Combi       |B057       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Acoustic Duet           |Combi       |B058       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Son Of The Musical Fox  |Combi       |B059       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|12 String Guitar        |Combi       |B060       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Hot + Cold Guitar       |Combi       |B061       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Constant Sorrow         |Combi       |B062       |Guitar/Plucked  |A.Guitar        |
|Tines 'n' Frets         |Combi       |B063       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Monster Metal Axe       |Combi       |B064       |Guitar/Plucked  |E.Guitar        |
|Atmospheric Hybrid Bass |Combi       |B065       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|Mandolin Concert        |Combi       |B066       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|New Age Harp & Strings  |Combi       |B067       |Guitar/Plucked  |Plucked         |
|As The Dust Rises       |Combi       |B068       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Velocity Trembles       |Combi       |B069       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Nimbus Bells            |Combi       |B070       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|The Final Scene         |Combi       |B071       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|For Magical Moments     |Combi       |B072       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|A Formant Moment        |Combi       |B073       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|High Above Hills        |Combi       |B074       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Lost at Sea             |Combi       |B075       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Matrix Recursive        |Combi       |B076       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|New Orchestral          |Combi       |B077       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|CrossWave Pad. Wait..   |Combi       |B078       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|The Dawn of Life        |Combi       |B079       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Endless Strings         |Combi       |B080       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Silver Slumbers         |Combi       |B081       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|New Copland             |Combi       |B082       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Warm Wind Pad           |Combi       |B083       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Chanters                |Combi       |B084       |Pads/Vocal      |Bright          |
|Android Dream           |Combi       |B085       |Pads/Vocal      |Dark            |
|Paddy Cool              |Combi       |B086       |Pads/Vocal      |Dark            |
|A Secret Garden         |Combi       |B087       |Pads/Vocal      |Dark            |
|Berimbau A Minor Prayer |Combi       |B088       |Pads/Vocal      |Sweep           |
|Deep Thinking Machines  |Combi       |B089       |Pads/Vocal      |Sweep           |
|A Subtle Remark         |Combi       |B090       |Pads/Vocal      |Sweep           |
|Ripplator Pad           |Combi       |B091       |Pads/Vocal      |Sweep           |
|Super Stereo Choir      |Combi       |B092       |Pads/Vocal      |Vocal           |
|Vintage Prog Voices     |Combi       |B093       |Pads/Vocal      |Vocal           |
|Endless Choir           |Combi       |B094       |Pads/Vocal      |Vocal           |
|Jazzy Singers           |Combi       |B095       |Pads/Vocal      |Vocal           |
|Our Hero's Last Battle  |Combi       |B096       |Pads/Vocal      |Vocal           |
|Vocalraiser             |Combi       |B097       |Pads/Vocal      |Vocal           |
|Those Rainy Dayz        |Combi       |B098       |Pads/Vocal      |Vocal           |
|The Calling             |Combi       |B099       |Pads/Vocal      |Vocal           |
|Deep Vocal Pad          |Combi       |B100       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Winter Morning          |Combi       |B101       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Spectracolor Pad        |Combi       |B102       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Galactic Journey        |Combi       |B103       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Shifting Cells          |Combi       |B104       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Kaleidoscopic           |Combi       |B105       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|"Please... just hold me"|Combi       |B106       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Dust Storm on Mars      |Combi       |B107       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Motivation              |Combi       |B108       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Mafia Hit Man           |Combi       |B109       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Always Watching You...  |Combi       |B110       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Watching the Virus Grow |Combi       |B111       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|AstroBabe a Dancin'     |Combi       |B112       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|M Station               |Combi       |B113       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|The Secret Adventure    |Combi       |B114       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Advanced JS-Y Mix       |Combi       |B115       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Wandering Waves         |Combi       |B116       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|City of the Pad         |Combi       |B117       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Sprinkle Town           |Combi       |B118       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Desert Moonrise         |Combi       |B119       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Silver Swirlings        |Combi       |B120       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Fading Planes           |Combi       |B121       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Collective Motion       |Combi       |B122       |Motion Synth    |Motion          |
|Love for Trance         |Combi       |B123       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Castaway                |Combi       |B124       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Power Monster Synth     |Combi       |B125       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Moreish Polysynth       |Combi       |B126       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Aerofreak               |Combi       |B127       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Air Freshener Pad       |Combi       |C000       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Dancing Perky Vokal Pad |Combi       |C001       |Synth           |Bright          |
|EuroPop Supa'Starr      |Combi       |C002       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Electronica             |Combi       |C003       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Paisley Groove          |Combi       |C004       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Trivector               |Combi       |C005       |Synth           |Bright          |
|The Driven Synth        |Combi       |C006       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Digital Obesity         |Combi       |C007       |Synth           |Bright          |
|SupaDupa Zinth          |Combi       |C008       |Synth           |Bright          |
|Dark Element  SW2       |Combi       |C009       |Synth           |Dark            |
|Freshly Squeezed Air    |Combi       |C010       |Synth           |Dark            |
|Return To Cyberville    |Combi       |C011       |LeadSplits      |Synth Lead      |
|JPop Cover Girl         |Combi       |C012       |LeadSplits      |Synth Lead      |
|And Rest..              |Combi       |C013       |LeadSplits      |Synth Lead      |
|Can't Stop The Groove   |Combi       |C014       |LeadSplits      |Synth Lead      |
|Skippy Wants to Dance!  |Combi       |C015       |LeadSplits      |Synth Lead      |
|The Gates of Mordor SW1 |Combi       |C016       |LeadSplits      |Synth Lead      |
|Homie's Coming Home     |Combi       |C017       |LeadSplits      |Synth Lead      |
|Motion Pad&Bell Syn Lead|Combi       |C018       |LeadSplits      |Synth Lead      |
|Smooth Pad & Soft Lead  |Combi       |C019       |LeadSplits      |Synth Lead      |
|Cozumel Beach Romance   |Combi       |C020       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Morning Mist            |Combi       |C021       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Oboe & Orchestra Split  |Combi       |C022       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Voices/EthnicFlute Split|Combi       |C023       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|The Spirit Lives        |Combi       |C024       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|..and she started crying|Combi       |C025       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|LFO Pad & Alto Sax      |Combi       |C026       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Electric Piano & Sax    |Combi       |C027       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Guitar Stories          |Combi       |C028       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Heavy Metal Split       |Combi       |C029       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Rock Guitar Solo Split  |Combi       |C030       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Beatbox                 |Combi       |C031       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|CyberJazz Cafe          |Combi       |C032       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|A Jazzy Night           |Combi       |C033       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Late Night Jam          |Combi       |C034       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|The Winds of Venice     |Combi       |C035       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Old West Theme          |Combi       |C036       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Pedaling to Nashville   |Combi       |C037       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Heavy Dirigible Blues   |Combi       |C038       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Rock Tool Kit           |Combi       |C039       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Fab Split Baby!         |Combi       |C040       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Alligator Swamp...      |Combi       |C041       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Bluegrass Waltz         |Combi       |C042       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|SoftBrass&Clarinet Split|Combi       |C043       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|Love Theme Split        |Combi       |C044       |LeadSplits      |Natural Lead    |
|A.Bass & Piano SW1      |Combi       |C045       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Jazz Bass Split  SW&Kn2 |Combi       |C046       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Acid Funk Shadow Dance  |Combi       |C047       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Celebration Church SW1  |Combi       |C048       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|The House Club Band     |Combi       |C049       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Dreamin' and a Jahmmin' |Combi       |C050       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|E.Bass & Old EP         |Combi       |C051       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Brazilian Tribal Chill  |Combi       |C052       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Gentle Rosey Split      |Combi       |C053       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Smooth Jazzmitazz       |Combi       |C054       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Trickapalooza           |Combi       |C055       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Cool Street Split       |Combi       |C056       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|She Walks into ...      |Combi       |C057       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Stealth Lovers          |Combi       |C058       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Roller Boogie           |Combi       |C059       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Mod Bass & Elec. Piano  |Combi       |C060       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Jaw Harp Groove JS-Y Mix|Combi       |C061       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|French Hop              |Combi       |C062       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Udu Hop JS-Y Mix        |Combi       |C063       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Follow the Leader       |Combi       |C064       |BassSplits      |Keyboard Type   |
|Cool Mute & A.Bass Split|Combi       |C065       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Tech Out My House SW2   |Combi       |C066       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Anthem Of Summer        |Combi       |C067       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Neon Lovers             |Combi       |C068       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Quiet Storm Split       |Combi       |C069       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Rough Riders            |Combi       |C070       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Pearly Gates Split      |Combi       |C071       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Drum 'n' Bass Split     |Combi       |C072       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Hook Me Up SW1,2 JS-Y   |Combi       |C073       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Taped Orch Hop          |Combi       |C074       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Tricki Flash Wah        |Combi       |C075       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|No Sleep! SW2           |Combi       |C076       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Koochie Groovy          |Combi       |C077       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Groove All Night        |Combi       |C078       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Thrill Dome             |Combi       |C079       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|PCM Pirates             |Combi       |C080       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Never Surrender!        |Combi       |C081       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Gettin' My Groove On    |Combi       |C082       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|BellHop Ballad          |Combi       |C083       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|New Ride Jam            |Combi       |C084       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Rad M50 Breakbeat Jam ! |Combi       |C085       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Dark Revolutions        |Combi       |C086       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|DnB Black Mass          |Combi       |C087       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|You're Too Late         |Combi       |C088       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Hip 3-way Split         |Combi       |C089       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Lucid Dreamin' Rap Star |Combi       |C090       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Guitar Synth Split      |Combi       |C091       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|The Power & the Glory   |Combi       |C092       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|A Space Odyssey         |Combi       |C093       |BassSplits      |Others          |
|Prehistoric Predators   |Combi       |C094       |Complex&SFX     |SFX             |
|Beyond the Cosmos       |Combi       |C095       |Complex&SFX     |SFX             |
|Planetary Explosion     |Combi       |C096       |Complex&SFX     |SFX             |
|Amazon Exploration      |Combi       |C097       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|Multiple Agents         |Combi       |C098       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|Loop Y'Self  SW1        |Combi       |C099       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|Pod Doors are Opening...|Combi       |C100       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|Miracle at Stormy Cove  |Combi       |C101       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|World Of Horror         |Combi       |C102       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|The Lost Continent      |Combi       |C103       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|Super Mega Fragalistix  |Combi       |C104       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|Mutant Patrol           |Combi       |C105       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|Relaxed Tracks          |Combi       |C106       |Complex&SFX     |Complex         |
|Quantize Play           |Combi       |C107       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Tryin' Not to Lose it...|Combi       |C108       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Transmission Wires      |Combi       |C109       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Butterfly Jam           |Combi       |C110       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Such a Rush             |Combi       |C111       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Distort 'n' Grind       |Combi       |C112       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Pure Attitude           |Combi       |C113       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Restless Natives        |Combi       |C114       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Re Mix Party SW1,2      |Combi       |C115       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Whacktronix JS+-Y       |Combi       |C116       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Club Fantasy SW1,2      |Combi       |C117       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|Futuraga                |Combi       |C118       |BPM Sync        |BPM Sync        |
|'Splain It to Me SW2    |Combi       |C119       |Drums/Hits      |Dance           |
|Vocoder Remix Hits      |Combi       |C120       |Drums/Hits      |Dance           |
|R&B Overture            |Combi       |C121       |Drums/Hits      |Dance           |
|Loop 'n' Hits           |Combi       |C122       |Drums/Hits      |Dance           |
|Drumz & Hitz            |Combi       |C123       |Drums/Hits      |Dance           |
|Samba Drum Festival     |Combi       |C124       |Drums/Hits      |Natural         |
|Revenge Rock Kit        |Combi       |C125       |Drums/Hits      |Natural         |
|Jam on da M50!    JS-Y  |Combi       |C126       |Drums/Hits      |Natural         |
|Hitsville M50           |Combi       |C127       |Drums/Hits      |Dance           |


|Studio Standard Kit     |DrumKit     |INT000     |                 |                |
|Funk Kit                |DrumKit     |INT001     |                 |                |
|Jazz/Brush Kit          |DrumKit     |INT002     |                 |                |
|B.Real Rap Kit          |DrumKit     |INT003     |                 |                |
|Acoustic Pop Kit        |DrumKit     |INT004     |                 |                |
|Wild Rock Kit           |DrumKit     |INT005     |                 |                |
|New Processed Kit       |DrumKit     |INT006     |                 |                |
|Electro Rock Kit        |DrumKit     |INT007     |                 |                |
|Insane FX Kit           |DrumKit     |INT008     |                 |                |
|Nu Style Kit            |DrumKit     |INT009     |                 |                |
|Hip Hop Kit             |DrumKit     |INT010     |                 |                |
|Tricki kit              |DrumKit     |INT011     |                 |                |
|Mashed Kit              |DrumKit     |INT012     |                 |                |
|Drum'n'Bass Kit         |DrumKit     |INT013     |                 |                |
|House Kit               |DrumKit     |INT014     |                 |                |
|Trance Kit              |DrumKit     |INT015     |                 |                |
|Hard House Kit          |DrumKit     |INT016     |                 |                |
|Psycho/Chill Kit        |DrumKit     |INT017     |                 |                |
|Down Low Rap Kit        |DrumKit     |INT018     |                 |                |
|Orch./Ethnic Kit        |DrumKit     |INT019     |                 |                |
|Original Perc. Kit      |DrumKit     |INT020     |                 |                |
|Brazilian Perc. Kit     |DrumKit     |INT021     |                 |                |
|Cuban Perc. Kit         |DrumKit     |INT022     |                 |                |
|Conga Variation Kit     |DrumKit     |INT023     |                 |                |
|Misc. Perc. Kit         |DrumKit     |INT024     |                 |                |
|Vinyl Loop Kit          |DrumKit     |INT025     |                 |                |
|DJ/BeatBox Kit          |DrumKit     |INT026     |                 |                |
|Rap/Gospel Kit          |DrumKit     |INT027     |                 |                |
|Industry/Vocal Kit      |DrumKit     |INT028     |                 |                |
|BD/SD Catalog Kit 1     |DrumKit     |INT029     |                 |                |
|BD/SD Catalog Kit 2     |DrumKit     |INT030     |                 |                |
|Cymbal Catalog Kit      |DrumKit     |INT031     |                 |                |


Download M50 Factory Sound Pack for Korg Krome and Krome EX

Donate to Kromeheaven

Random Pack !

Instrumentalny's Piano Collection And Demonstations !

Author : Instrumentalny

"Hello Cyph.

Thanks for putting my film "We Are The World" on your website.

I am sending you something to share with other users.

PCG file with my sounds that I created."


It was a pleasure for me !
Wahou, thank you so much Instrumentalny for your wonderfull pack !

Your sounds are typically what we expect from the krome !

I bet this pack will have a great success...So Kromeheaveners : DO NOT HESITATE to "LIKE" Instrumentalny's Video on Youtube !!!

Enjoy !!!

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