Korg Krome Boot Patcher Video Demontration


Author : cyph

Dear all,

it has been a long time since we had no great news for our korg krome...but today is a another day : TA DA : THE KROME BOOT PATCHER !

I finished the first version of my new tool designed to manage a korg krome boot file.

Here is the video to explain what was developed and the main functions of the tool :

ok, the first step is done.

Now, I must obfuscate my source code to prevent the kromatool adventure ;) you know what I mean ;)

Then, I must find a way to share content about boot, without distributing any BOOT.BIN file since it's korg property and I do not want any issues with them ;)

Maybe, just by sharing SCREEN.RAW files in a new section at kromeheaven.com !


And if you want to talk about this...join the only korg krome share group

If you want to encourage me to keep on this heavy task, just give me a beer or a pack of beer or a truck of beer via a paypal donation :

Stay connected !




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Random Pack !

Instrumentalny's Piano Collection And Demonstations !

Author : Instrumentalny

"Hello Cyph.

Thanks for putting my film "We Are The World" on your website.

I am sending you something to share with other users.

PCG file with my sounds that I created."


It was a pleasure for me !
Wahou, thank you so much Instrumentalny for your wonderfull pack !

Your sounds are typically what we expect from the krome !

I bet this pack will have a great success...So Kromeheaveners : DO NOT HESITATE to "LIKE" Instrumentalny's Video on Youtube !!!

Enjoy !!!

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