Author :Andres R Martinez
Download What Is Love / HADDAWAY Song Cover for Korg Krome and Krome EX
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Author : Valentin Raicu & Cyph
|Patch Name |Patch Type |Patch ID |Category |Sub Category |
|Balaban *KH* |Program |F000 |6 |1 |
|Beko M3 *KH* |Program |F001 |6 |1 |
|Basson Cantora *KH* |Program |F002 |17 |1 |
|Chortan Myg *KH* |Program |F003 |17 |1 |
|CZ 1000 Hantu *KH* |Program |F004 |17 |1 |
|CZ Dani *KH* |Program |F005 |17 |1 |
|DX Myg *KH* |Program |F006 |17 |3 |
|DX Flauta *KH* |Program |F007 |6 |1 |
|DX-Gadge *KH* |Program |F008 |11 |1 |
|DX Juno *KH* |Program |F009 |7 |1 |
|DX Organ *KH* |Program |F010 |1 |2 |
|DX Pluck *KH* |Program |F011 |17 |1 |
|DX Organ solo *KH* |Program |F012 |1 |2 |
|Extreme Sax *KH* |Program |F013 |6 |0 |
|Fleita Juzi *KH* |Program |F014 |6 |1 |
|Fleita *KH* |Program |F015 |6 |1 |
|Flute Classic *KH* |Program |F016 |6 |1 |
|Frula *KH* |Program |F017 |6 |1 |
|Frula 2 *KH* |Program |F018 |6 |1 |
|Guerini *KH* |Program |F019 |6 |1 |
|Improv ciocoi *KH* |Program |F020 |11 |1 |
|Japanka *KH* |Program |F021 |1 |0 |
|Jug *KH* |Program |F022 |1 |0 |
|Kaval *KH* |Program |F023 |6 |1 |
|Kaval Yovan *KH* |Program |F024 |6 |1 |
|Kawala *KH* |Program |F025 |6 |1 |
|Kitara M3 *KH* |Program |F026 |7 |0 |
|Kitara Babanu *KH* |Program |F027 |7 |0 |
|Kontra cortan *KH* |Program |F028 |3 |1 |
|Kortan Crima *KH* |Program |F029 |3 |1 |
|Makam *KH* |Program |F030 |6 |1 |
|Matio *KH* |Program |F031 |6 |1 |
|Matio 2 *KH* |Program |F032 |3 |0 |
|Meka *KH* |Program |F033 |6 |1 |
|Milan *KH* |Program |F034 |6 |1 |
|Muzo *KH* |Program |F035 |6 |1 |
|Nai *KH* |Program |F036 |6 |1 |
|Nai Folklore *KH* |Program |F037 |6 |1 |
|Strings 1 *KH* |Program |F038 |3 |0 |
|DX Synth *KH* |Program |F039 |17 |1 |
|Strings 2 *KH* |Program |F040 |3 |0 |
|Strings 3 *KH* |Program |F041 |3 |0 |
|Ranke Frula *KH* |Program |F042 |6 |1 |
|Reg Weltmeist *KH* |Program |F043 |6 |1 |
|Returnela *KH* |Program |F044 |6 |1 |
|Sax constanta *KH* |Program |F045 |6 |1 |
|Sax Random *KH* |Program |F046 |6 |1 |
|Saxophon m3 *KH* |Program |F047 |6 |1 |
|Seiko *KH* |Program |F048 |6 |1 |
|Shanai *KH* |Program |F049 |6 |1 |
|Suki Majroci juz *KH* |Program |F050 |6 |1 |
|SupitaG *KH* |Program |F051 |6 |1 |
|Vioara Extreme *KH* |Program |F052 |6 |1 |
|Yayli *KH* |Program |F053 |6 |1 |
|Yovan *KH* |Program |F054 |6 |1 |
|Zeta2 Myg *KH* |Program |F055 |6 |1 |
|Zeta Flajeolet *KH* |Program |F056 |6 |1 |
|Zeta MDS *KH* |Program |F057 |6 |1 |
|Zeta MDS Body *KH* |Program |F058 |6 |1 |
|Ziki *KH* |Program |F059 |6 |1 |
No demonstration except a song file played with the samples...please join us to make our video demonstration !
Download Balkan World Samples Vol 2 for Korg Krome
Write comment (0 Comments)Author Cyph
Dear Kromeheaveners,
Here is our new sample pack for your Korg Krome synth ! With this pack, you will have some selected samples from the balkan (Serbian, Albanian, Romanian, etc) converted and modified for your Krome.
Cheap Organ, Flutes, Real Clarinet, Sax, but also Bouzuki, Gadge, Zurna...You will get about 48 new samples with a standard PCG file.
If you don't like the sounds, you can modify the PCG programs by yourself using the new samples and share the result with us !
It's also compatible with Krome EX.
Well, the bad news is that some people promised me to make video demonstrations (twice), but they didn't.
They insured me that they were trustable but it was not the case at all.
The fact is that after relaunching them more than 3 times, and after providing the sound pack exclusively to them, they suddenly went to silence.
Wahou, men of honor ?
So, again, no demonstration, but you can recall their engagement on facebook : Kejdi Musta, Marko Aleksic
Here you should understand one rule : NOT TRUSTABLE people = BANNED people
|Patch Name |Patch Type |Patch ID |Category |Sub Category |
|Harm Basson *KH* |Program |F000 |6 |1 |
|Juzna Organica *KH* |Program |F001 |1 |0 |
|Violina sw1 *KH* |Program |F002 |3 |1 |
|Bouzuki Up *KH* |Program |F003 |7 |2 |
|Tamburice *KH* |Program |F004 |3 |0 |
|Truba *KH* |Program |F005 |5 |1 |
|Real Violin *KH* |Program |F006 |3 |0 |
|Klarinet Kisa *KH* |Program |F007 |6 |1 |
|Matio *KH* |Program |F008 |6 |0 |
|Seiko *KH* |Program |F009 |7 |1 |
|Clarinet Filipof *KH* |Program |F010 |3 |1 |
|Tamburice T3ex *KH* |Program |F011 |3 |0 |
|TenorSax *KH* |Program |F012 |6 |1 |
|Flauta *KH* |Program |F013 |6 |0 |
|Radovance Bass *KH* |Program |F014 |8 |1 |
|Ginoli Guitar *KH* |Program |F015 |7 |1 |
|Glocken DX11 *KH* |Program |F016 |2 |0 |
|Jota Balja *KH* |Program |F017 |11 |1 |
|Ludilo XP30 *KH* |Program |F018 |11 |1 |
|Solo DX21 *KH* |Program |F019 |11 |1 |
|Gadge *KH* |Program |F020 |11 |1 |
|Japanka *KH* |Program |F021 |1 |0 |
|Clarinet V50 *KH* |Program |F022 |6 |1 |
|Hard Brass *KH* |Program |F023 |5 |0 |
|Flauta DX11 *KH* |Program |F024 |6 |0 |
|KlarinHarmo Djino *KH* |Program |F025 |6 |1 |
|PikoloHarmo Djino *KH* |Program |F026 |6 |1 |
|DX Synth *KH* |Program |F027 |11 |1 |
|Shakuhachi *KH* |Program |F028 |6 |0 |
|Stab Brass *KH* |Program |F029 |5 |0 |
|Stanoja *KH* |Program |F030 |11 |1 |
|Roland Alto Sax *KH* |Program |F031 |6 |1 |
|Kurdish Zurna *KH* |Program |F032 |3 |0 |
|Mandolin Trem *KH* |Program |F033 |3 |0 |
|Mariachi Trumpet *KH* |Program |F034 |5 |1 |
|Yougoslav Flute *KH* |Program |F035 |6 |0 |
|Zurle v50 *KH* |Program |F036 |11 |1 |
|Real Trumpet *KH* |Program |F037 |5 |1 |
|TurkS *KH* |Program |F038 |3 |0 |
|Real Ud *KH* |Program |F039 |7 |0 |
|Unison Mizmar *KH* |Program |F040 |3 |0 |
|Double Reed cz *KH* |Program |F041 |6 |1 |
|Guitar Sutka *KH* |Program |F042 |7 |0 |
|Alto Sax Medium *KH* |Program |F043 |6 |1 |
|Truba Milja *KH* |Program |F044 |5 |1 |
|Hondo *KH* |Program |F045 |7 |0 |
|Alto Sax Vib *KH* |Program |F046 |6 |1 |
|Pennywhistle *KH* |Program |F047 |6 |0 |
|Harm President *KH* |Program |F048 |6 |1 |
2) Find the article
3) Ask the pack by doing this : Introduce yourself, say why you need this package, say "Thank you" !!!!
I will then provide the pack via messenger ;)
Beta test ended so here is the link for everyone !!! Enjoy !!!
Download Balkan world Samples VOL1 For Korg Krome
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Author : Cyph
Let's go Fiesta !
Enjoy our lastest pack dedicated to latin music : Latin Essentials Vol 2 ! Cumbia, Sureno, and all typical latin music are closed to your fingers !
You will find Piano, Brass, trombon, trumpet, sax, accordions, flutes, synth...all edited by real groups ;)
The good news is that there is no sample in this pack !
An exclusivity from Kromeheaven website, now converted for Krome !!!
Read more: Latin Essentials Vol 2 NOW for Krome (Cumbia, Sureno, etc)
Write comment (0 Comments)Author : Rafael P.
"Segue em anexo o arquivo .PCG dos pianos editados por mim para o korg krome, espero que gostem!"
"Please find attached the file .pcg pianos edited by me for krome korg, hope you like!"
Thank you Rafael for this 4 piano ! Very good Job ! I'm sure that many people will like your work !!!
We expect more from you now !!!