Korg Krome Boot Patcher Video Demontration


Author : cyph

Dear all,

it has been a long time since we had no great news for our korg krome...but today is a another day : TA DA : THE KROME BOOT PATCHER !

I finished the first version of my new tool designed to manage a korg krome boot file.

Here is the video to explain what was developed and the main functions of the tool :

ok, the first step is done.

Now, I must obfuscate my source code to prevent the kromatool adventure ;) you know what I mean ;)

Then, I must find a way to share content about boot, without distributing any BOOT.BIN file since it's korg property and I do not want any issues with them ;)

Maybe, just by sharing SCREEN.RAW files in a new section at kromeheaven.com !


And if you want to talk about this...join the only korg krome share group

If you want to encourage me to keep on this heavy task, just give me a beer or a pack of beer or a truck of beer via a paypal donation :

Stay connected !




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Random Pack !

Luiz Oliveira's Prog Sounds Pack !


Author : Luiz O. Master Key

"Hello Cyph,
We are pleased to inform you that my first package combinations this finished. As I promised, I organized my combinations and I'm sending you to be distributed freely. 
The name of this small collection is Prog Sounds, because I had these ideas really listening Jordan Rudess and Rick Wakeman. 
I'll work on more sounds and soon you'll send more!"

Thank you Luiz,

your sounds are really well programmed, you can be proud of what you have done!!!

As you really deserve it, I've made a 3D box for your pack and made a cool presentation to share your sound with all the krome users !

We expect that you will continue like that because you really made a good job...Maybe interested in our next contest ??? :)

Enjoy !


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