Grand Piano !

Author : SynthKeyWizard & Cyph


This is a new Piano for your Korg Krome.

It takes the whole 16MB opt pcm memory.

Enjoy !


Copy 3 files to the root of an SDCARD (KHGP.PCG, META.IMG, SAMPLE.IMG)

If it's the first time you load samples for your krome, you may need boot your krome while pressing page+0 key.

Load the piano program from F BANK PRG 000 : Click MEDIA, then open KHGP.PCG file, programs...and select where you want to load the piano !



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Author : Roger Bernards

"In the F bank I have pretty much a full bank of original sounds, The organs use two rotary simulators in perfect sync to make a deeper effect, in these programs knob 3 adds drawbars, switches 1,2 add/alter the vibrato/chorus, In the combi-D there are a ton of bass/keyboard splits, in these combis knob 1 is the bass volume and knob 2 is the keyboard volume. Also there are a ton of drum track grooves in the user area (all royalty free)

Cool thank you...It is great to see people sharing like you !
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