Chariots of fire combi for M50, soon for Krome !

Dear all !

Here is a great combi video !

I am very fond of Vangelis song and when I've seen this video I decided to contact the author BlacksmithVRS in order to get it !'ve got it in my mailbox and I will convert it as soon as possible ! The only thing I will not be able to do...pad assignation...I've to find a way to emulate this !

Big thanks to BlacksmithVRS !

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Author : George K.

"This is my oriental/middle eastern set for krome.

Middle eastern and turkish players will enjoy it.

George K."

Wahou, George,  very impressive and complete set ! (PCG file with Bank F programs and combi !)

I am really happy to have your sound available for my krome.

Your sharing will be really appreciated, for sure !

Great Krome sounds => granted Kromatool beta-tester !

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